
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) is a constitutional body established by the Government of Tamil Nadu, India. Its primary function is to recruit personnel for various posts in the state government through competitive examinations and interviews. The commission ensures transparency and merit-based selection of candidates for government positions.

Functions: The TNPSC is responsible for conducting examinations and interviews to select candidates for appointments to the services of the state government. advises the government on matters related to recruitment, promotions, and disciplinary actions of government employees.

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission plays a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and integrity of the state administration by ensuring fair and transparent recruitment processes. It serves as a platform for aspiring individuals to join various government services in Tamil Nadu.


Conduct examinations for appointment to the services of the State. Direct recruitment by selection through interviews. Appointment of officers on promotion / deputation / absorption. Framing and amendment of Recruitment Rules for various services and posts under the Government.


Conduct examinations for appointment to the services of the State. Direct recruitment by selection through interviews. Appointment of officers on promotion / deputation / absorption. Framing and amendment of Recruitment Rules for various services and posts under the Government.

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Course Features

  • Enrolled : 10+
  • Duration : 6 Months
  • Lectures : 120+
  • Categories: Competitive Exam
  • Instructor: 15+